Raise your hand if you’re an overachiever! Yeah, guilty here too. The pressure to do it all, have it all, and look your best is, well, a lot. And also impossible. Our May I&R Digest is dedicated to things that simplify your life, offer a little perspective, and urge you to give yourself a break. Because you’re doing GREAT.
Boundary Boss
Psychotherapist Terri Cole’s book will help you recognize and put a stop to behaviors that are burning you out – shoving feelings deep down, people pleasing, taking on too much – and give you the tools to create and communicate clear, healthy boundaries. This one is a GAME CHANGER.
The hardest-hitting multitaskers out there, our two-and-done beauty routine does the work of 8 (yes 8!) products. Best Skin Days (serum, moisturizer, SPF, blue light protection, sheer coverage) and Power Peptide Lip Balm (hydration, plumping peptides, color) are so much more than just coverage and color.
Whether you opt for a pre-designed style or create a custom one-of-a-kind pair, these handmade (according to ancient technique) sandals are peak-chic. We’re partial to the rainbow strappy version, but there’s not a pair we wouldn’t be thrilled to wear. The best part? They go with pretty much everything – one less thing for you to think about. #SummerUniform
The Me You Can’t See
Oprah and Prince Harry’s new AppleTV+ docu-series centered around mental health should be required viewing for all humans. The two of them, along with Lady Gaga (and many more), share their personal stories about dealing with emotional pain and psychological trauma in an effort to normalize the conversation. It’s powerful stuff.
Having It All & Other Lies
Sara Riff calls bullshit on having it all. Literally. She’s so passionate about puncturing the myths of perfection that plague women that she launched a podcast to change the narrative. Her conversations with inspiring women are centered around how they’re each redefining what success and happiness look like to them personally, and damn is it refreshing.