Women You Should Know: Meet Laurel Pantin

On good advice, minimalist beauty, and meaningful holidays
Laurel Pantin is a woman after our own heart—one who lives by a "better, not more" motto. The former editor (Teen Vogue, Lucky, Glamour, InStyle) writes not one, but two super popular Substacks: EarlEarl (fashion & style) and YourMom (motherhood & parenting), and her Instagram @laurelpantin is a must-follow.
We checked in with Laurel just before the holidays to see how she keeps it moving—real.
The Best Advice She's Gotten—That Actually Works
On redefining self-care
That self-care doesn't have to look like something on a to-do list. It doesn't have to be exercise, or a massage, or a long bath or a face mask— it can look like hiding under your covers for an afternoon, or it can look like doing actual work, if your work is fulfilling to you. In my opinion, self-care is having the time and freedom to do whatever YOU want to do - whether it's go for a run, get your nails done, talk shit with a friend, stare at a wall, or scroll on your phone. If it makes you feel good, it's probably good.
"Self-care doesn't have to look like something on a to-do list... If it makes you feel good, it's probably good."
What's On Her Holiday Wishlist
Shifting from things to experiences
I have literally everything I could possibly need (and more), but I'm hoping for a trip with my husband and kids to somewhere we haven't been before. Because of the pandemic, my youngest (she's 4.5) never got her passport. We finally got her one, so I'm hoping to put it to good use this year. Other than that, I'm asking family to donate to my kids' school's fundraiser. I love their school, and rather than getting another sweater or a gift card, I'd like to help the school's mission.
Her Daily Beauty Edit
A minimalist approach, naturally
Weekend Skin is my #1 favorite beauty product of all time, I think from any brand. Skin Cocoon is also right up there. I love things that are multi-purpose, I don't love to layer on a billion things, and the serum has replaced a few steps in my nightly routine.
"Weekend Skin is my #1 favorite beauty
product of all time."
A Daily Non-Negotiable
Making time for what matters
Spending time with my kids. They're at the sweetest ages right now and they really are as obsessed with me as I am with them, so I'm trying to soak in every moment before they turn into surly teens!
How She Hits the Reset Button
Finding balance
Alone time. I'm such an introvert, I really need time by myself to feel recharged. Which is hard when you have little kids!
Her Most Counterintuitive Parenting Lesson
Learning to let go
I don't know if it's counterintuitive, but I've learned that you really have no control. Both in a micro and macro sense, you can't control anyone's mood, you can't control the kids of people your kids will be, you can't control any outcomes, and the more you let go and give in to that, the more fun you'll have and the easier it will all be.
"The more you let go and give in…
the more fun you'll have and the easier it will all be."
Does She Ever Unplug?
Finding freedom in disconnecting
Sometimes on the weekends, if I'm with my kids and my husband, I like to leave my phone at home all day while we're out. I feel a bit naked at first, but after an hour or so, I sort of forget about it. I always have a lot of fun when I leave it behind.
Her Go-To Last-Minute Gift
Keeping it simple
I'm a very bad gift-giver when the pressure is on, but I do like to give people copies of some of my favorite books, or little treats like fancy chocolates or homemade cookies. I don't drink, but I know a great bottle of Champagne usually makes a good gift for someone who does!